School projects

In cooperation with the Holztechnikum Kuchl and the Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium

Cooperation with

For all those involved in the project, it was a great pleasure to see how enthusiastically and imaginatively the students from both schools worked on this project.

Creative and extensive scenarios were developed during the projects, enriching the app from the very beginning. Ideas for new question types and mockups for the app also emerged in the course of the collaboration.

The individual projects are presented in the following tabs.

Using the prototype scenario, the students learned to work with the Programming tasks the basics of web development. Specifically, it was about the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript libraries and databases. Under supervision, a playful learning platform was to be created.

The students were able to expand their knowledge of the aforementioned languages and databases. They created a frontend including design, made table designs for databases and created diagrams using JavaScript.
The last task was about making the given prototype scenario functional and thus playable. However, this was not worked on until the project week in the computer science project.

In the course of an elective course at the Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium, so-called mockups and wireframes were created for a rudimentary app design. The mockups received special interest from students and teachers. Not only did the students enjoy the project, but so did the lead teacher. The mockups created not only contain good ideas, but also potential candidates for implementation in the later app.

Arbeitsblatt Prototyping (PDF)

Sowohl am Holztechnikum als auch am Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium haben Schüler*innen eine Einführung in das Projekt und den Scenario Creator erhalten. Mit diesem Wissen wurden mehrere Szenarien in kleinen Gruppen erstellt, welche nach Überarbeitung für die App genutzt werden können.

The students mostly enjoyed creating the scenarios and would consider the learning app useful. More than half also believe that the app could be used in class. The rest assume that the app will be used less frequently in class.

In addition, the students wanted more task variants to be included, such as cue point tasks or cloze texts. They would also like to see more scenarios and a good design for the app. According to their own statements, almost all students could handle the Scenario Creator well. Almost all of them felt that they had contributed to the creation of the learning app.

Feedbackauswertung Projektwoche (PDF)

At the Holztechnikum, a Matura project (also: diploma thesis) on the topic of e-learning and scenarios was initiated. Two students are working on various e-learning methods and platforms scientifically and are working out ideas that are to be incorporated into the Scenario Creator and accordingly into the app.

In the course of the project, several scenarios were created with the topic of wood, which should make it easier for people who normally do not come into contact with the production of a wood product to learn about this topic. This involves everything from costing, to suitable materials, to processing the wood to make a product.

Die fertige App wurde an beiden Schulen erfolgreich im Unterricht von den Schülerinnen und Schülern (SuS) getestet.

Am Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium haben wir die App anhand des Szenarios „EU Szenario“ in mehreren Einzelstunden getestet und anschließend Feedback eingeholt. Allgemein kam die App bei SuS sehr gut an, wobei wir zusätzlich vier Fragen gestellt und Freitextantworten bekommen haben, die wir folgendermaßen ausgewertet haben:

  1. Hast du etwas neues gelernt?
    • 20 (alle) SuS beantworteten die Frage mit Ja
  2. Was hat dir am Szenario und der App gefallen?
    • Konzept und Inhalte (5 mal)
    • Infotexte und Zwischeninfos (5 mal)
    • Design (4 mal)
    • Zeitmessung (2 mal)
  3. Was hat dir am Szenario und der App nicht gefallen? Sind Bugs aufgetreten?
    • Formulierungen und Verständlichkeit teilweise zu anspruchsvoll (7 mal)
    • Zeitdruck durch Zeitmessung (5 mal)
    • Strafsekunden unklar (4 mal)
    • Es wurden sich mehr Szenarien und Inhalte für die App gewünscht.
  4. Kannst du dir vorstellen so ein Szenario als Einstieg oder Abschluss eines Unterrichtsthemas zu machen?
    • 16 SuS wünschen sich eine Anwendung im Unterricht, 2 SuS sind unentschlossen und 2 SuS haben die Frage mit „nein“ beantwortet.

Arbeitsblatt mit Arbeitsauftrag (PDF)

Präsentation zur Projektvorstellung und mit Szenariolösungen (pptx)