Erasmus+ Project
MINT Scenario Games

Cooperation of L&K development GmbH, Holztechnikum Kuchl and Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium Berlin, co-financed by the European Union.

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Our idea

What are Scenario Games?

Scenario Games - inspired by online Escape Rooms - deal with overarching topics such as climate change, society and sustainability in general, which are linked to mathematical and scientific (STEM) tasks. The aim is to stimulate creative thinking through play, consolidate specialist knowledge and strengthen digitalization in school lessons. In this way, new enthusiasm for STEM subjects is to be awakened.

Learning through play

With mathematical puzzles and a variety of question types, we give participants the opportunity to apply previously acquired knowledge from mathematics, computer science and the natural sciences in a new context.

Class or home

The duration of a scenario game can be short (about 5 minutes, like a textbook assignment) or very long (several days). Thus, scenarios can be used in class or as homework.


For the creation of the scenarios, a lot of freedom was deliberately left in the Creator in order to be able to create content that is as individual and adapted to the lessons as possible.

The project partners

L&K development GmbH

As an experienced education and e-learning company that has already launched several successful apps and learning platforms, the L&K development GmbH wants to develop a web app as well as Android and iOS apps in this project hand in hand with its project partners. So their tasks are the coordination, programming and general management of the project.

Holztechnikum Kuchl (HTK)

Das Holztechnikum Kuchl (HTK) is a vocational school in Kuchl, Austria with a focus on wood. We primarily cooperate with the Höhere Technische Lehranstalt (HTL), which educates students from all over Austria, South Tyrol and Germany with a high practical relevance.

Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium (UvH)

Das Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium (UvH) is a public school in Berlin (Lichtenrade) and is known for its commitment to sustainability, for which it was even awarded the "fair school" seal. UvH participated in the app creation as part of project days, in computer science classes, and in elective courses.

Features of the Scenario Creator

  • Sharing scenarios with codes
  • Different question types such as multiple choice, arranging texts and pictures, math tasks and more.
  • Playable directly in the Creator
  • Group tasks
  • Working together on scenarios in groups

Opinions from participants

Creating scenarios in class was very easy and we could play them directly. This is the future of digital teaching.
Student, HTK
It was fun to develop scenarios for this project. Learning to program using the Creator was great.
Student, UvH
I see scenarios as a good tool for conveying learning content in a playful way. The use in the classroom has worked very well so far.
Karl Entacher
Teacher, HTK
We are happy to have developed a really nice and useful app together with our project partners.
Lenard Kratky
Managing Director, L&K development